iOS 15: How To Remove Location Icon From Status Bar on iPhone and iPad

iOS 15 is the new version of Apple’s mobile OS that comes with many new and improved features. In case you didn’t know, the next version of Apple’s mobile operating system is bringing new attributes to FaceTime, Spotlight, NotificationsWeather, Safari, Find My, and Photos and there still a bunch of unknown features that are yet to be explored. 

If you’ve updated to iOS 15, you may also have noticed the location icon showing up in the Status Bar at the top. While the Location icon is supposed to appear whenever you accessed an app that required your whereabouts, it may also appear at other times when your device’s system services are accessing it.

If you wish to remove the Location icon from Status Bar for these system services, you can do so by following the steps in this post.  

How to Remove Location icon from Status Bar on iOS 15

If you’re seeing the Location icon on the Status Bar persistently, you can remove it by following the steps below. 

To get started, open the Settings app and go to ‘Privacy’. 

Inside Privacy, tap on the ‘Location Services’ option. 

Scroll down the list of apps listed on the next screen and select ‘System Services’. 

You will see a list of system services on this screen. Scroll down and toggle OFF the ‘Status Bar Icon’ option. 

The Location icon should no longer appear on the Status Bar at the top. 


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Ambivalent, unprecedented, and on the run from everyone's idea of reality. A consonance of love for filter coffee, cold weather, Arsenal, AC/DC, and Sinatra.


  1. Has anyone else noticed that the toggle to show location icon in status isn’t working on their device. No matter which position I have that toggle, the location arrow is always there and it’s blocking other icons that are more useful to me like do not disturb icon or focus icon. No matter what I do, hard restart, soft restart, flip that toggle on or off the location arrow is always there either hollow or solid at times but I can’t remove the icon. I have an iPhone 11 Pro updated to iOS 15 from iOS 14.8. I don’t remember if the location icon toggle worked properly or not on 14.8. My fiancés had an IPhone 11 Pro running iOS 15 updated from iOS 14.7 and her toggle commands the location icon on and off properly, thus leaving just the Time in top left corner of her screen. Mine, always has that Damn arrow. I know I’m not the only one because a friend of mine has an iPhone XR running iOS 15 updated from 14.7 and his icon will not turn off either regardless of the toggle being on or off. My friends wife’s phone is an iPhone 12 running 14.8 and her icon will not go away either, regardless of the toggle being on or off. I have done anything drastic like resetting the location settings or wiping my device and starting over because it’s a lot of work to not know if that’s going to change anything. It doesn’t seem to be iOS specific since I’ve seen it have the issue on 14.8 and 15.0 but I just can’t seem to narrow it down any further.

    1. I’ve been having the same problem with my phone, (iPhone XR updated from 14.8 to 15.0.2) I have tried resetting and using the toggle button but nothing works for it. i really wish i could have one of the focus icons show instead but I’m stuck with the location icon

  2. As others have said – this solution does not work. I have an iPhone 13 with iOS 15. Toggled off and it still appears’

  3. Rest all your location settings back to factory settings. To reset back to default, go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset Location & Privacy. Enter your passcode if requested, and press Reset Settings to confirm that reset. This removed the icon for me.

  4. For me the suggestion of resetting all location settings worked but if you’re reading this I recommend you just reset the settings for the apple weather app and check it that works.

    I realized that as soon as I turned that back on, the location symbol would never leave my screen. Hope this helps.

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