Genshin Impact is a new RPG that manages to redefine co-op multiplayer in the genre. Instead of dumping you on a map with experienced players, you are allowed to invite players to your map. This gives you the ability to scrutinize people joining your world and even rule out high-level players that might lead to in-game spoilers.
The multiplayer aspect of Genshin Impact is taken a step further through the means of co-op events. These events allow you to work with other players from around the world to achieve a common goal that will yield rare rewards. A new co-op event has been announced by the developers of Genshin Impact called ‘Elemental Crucible’. Let’s take a quick look at it.
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What is Genshin Impact Coop Event ‘Elemental Crucible’?

Elemental Crucible is the latest co-op event in Genshin Impact that was announced on the 10th of October through an official blog post. According to the developers, Elemental Crucible will see players working in tandem to shovel Elemental clots into the crucible to complete the alchemy process going on inside the elemental crucible. Once the process is complete, you will be able to earn various rewards from the ‘Elemental Crucible’ by consuming Original Resin.
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How to participate in ‘Elemental Crucible’ coop event

Participating in the event is quite a simple process once it has been unlocked no matter what device you are using. Elemental Crucible is currently available in your in-game event window which can be accessed using the following controls depending on the device that you are using.
- On PC: F5
- On mobile: Compass icon in the top right corner
- On Consoles: Press L1 and then select ‘Compass’ from the selection wheel.
Once you are in the event window, you can scroll down to find and join the ‘Elemental Crucible’ event. You will then be taken to talk to Timaeus who should then introduce you to the Elemental Crucible.
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Genshin Impact Coop Event Start Time

While the start date was not announced in the blog post by Mihoyo, the event seems to have already begun in the game with many players even managing to complete all the given tasks and earn their rewards.
If you are unable to find the event then you should try restarting your game. Upon doing so, you can use the guide above to open the Event window where you should find ‘Elemental Crucible’ in the list. Elemental Crucible seems to have been made available to users located in Asia currently.
If the event fails to show up for you and you are in a different region then you can try changing your system clock to the next day. This should easily allow you to access the ‘Elemental Crucible’ event in Genshin Impact.
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What are the rewards for completing the ‘Elemental Crucible’ event
Elemental Crucible has various rewards for each tier of the event that you complete. There are 20 tiers in total and completing each tier will help you earn the final reward. Each tier also comes with its own rewards that can be redeemed using Original Resin in the game.
The final rewards that you receive will also factor in your character level in your own world. This will help you award appropriate items even if the game has paired you with higher or lower level teammates.
Completion Awards: 300 Primogems
The best part about completing this event is that you will not need Original Resin to claim your completion rewards ie: Primogems. Additionally, you will also be rewarded EXP after every tier which you can extend by using Original Resin.
This is an optional choice and can be skipped if you wish to. For players that end up claiming Original Resin REwards, you will get the following:
- Companionship XP
- Character EXP books
The number of items you receive will depend on your AR level.
‘Elemental Crucible’ requirements

As with every event in Genshin Impact, there are a few requirements that you need to complete before you can participate in the Elemental Crucible event. Let’s take a quick look at them.
- AR20 (Adventure Rank) or higher
- All quests completed in Prologue ACT II (For a tomorrow without tears)
- Timaeus’s quest; One Giant Step For Alchemy, needs to be completed
Once you have completed all the requirements you should be able to participate in Elemental Crucible easily.
What not to do
Note: While you can get the event in your region by changing your system date and time, it can interfere with the process of your game syncing with the servers. This might result in failure to save your progress, failure to claim your rewards, and more.
If the trick works for you then you should be good to go, but if you face any issues then we recommend you wait for a few hours otherwise the server could end up thinking that you have attempted the event and stop you from attempting it again officially.
We hope this guide helped you get familiar with the new Elemental Crucible event in Genshin Impact. If you have any more questions or queries, feel free to reach out to us using the comments section below.