32 GB Google Nexus 7 android tablet and its unboxing video is out already

We already know that the 32 GB Nexus 7 is definitely for real, and that it is already slated to go on sale at multiple locations stateside and in Europe. Recent leaks suggested that it would be priced the same as the existing 16GB version.

Italy based Android HD Blog, has also posted an actual Unboxing video of the 32GB Nexus 7, further confirming its existence and availability. The video title suggests that the tablet was purchased on October 19th. Although it is unlikely that the device would be officially available on stores before Google unveils it at their October 29th event, if you know the right people in the right places, especially retail stores, you just might be lucky enough to get one before the world gets it. Check out this video of this customer getting some pure Google Nexus joy out of a box.

[youtube video_id=”06FwS-weBx4″ width=”620″ height=”400″ /]

Well, it’s just another week to go before we start seeing unboxing videos for a lot of new Nexus devices popping up all over the place, eh?


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