

This new Galaxy S8 video leak gets us best real look of the device

Tweet a lot? Try Floata, a floating twitter client to help you tweet faster than anything else

Easily manage all your social media through a single app

Twitter updates Android app, adds photo filters a la Instagram.

Photo editing coming to Twitter Android App with filters and stuff?

Echofon Alpha Android APK and install it manually

An Android app to get your Facebook, Twitter and Google+ updates at one place – Social Network Overview

Developer Edition DROID RAZR M giveaway going on at Motorola Twitter account

Google Play opens Twitter Account, follow the offers at @Googleplay

Seesmic Ping — Schedule Posts to Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn

4G LTE for Galaxy S II variant for Verizon? Yes, Sez Verizon’s support before saying Nope!

Twitter Android App Updated. Gets Push Notifications, Multiple Accounts and Upgraded Home Screen Widgets

Twitter Giveaway

A Chance To Win The Amazing Gold Motorola XOOM Tablets

Nexus Two Rumor Samsung Omar

Is it Nexus Two or Samsung Continuum that Samsung Exec is Excited About?

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