This is why OnePlus will not support Project Treble

oneplus project treble

A while back, we told you that OnePlus smartphones would not support the Project Treble feature that’s part of Android 8.0 Oreo. At the time, the Chinese manufacturer did not give us an explanation as to why, but now they have.

Many users were angered by this decision and a petition was started to ask OnePlus to include the technology on their smartphones. In a blog post on the OnePlus Forum, a Staff member explained why the company didn’t support Project Treble. Before we go into the reason, let us tell you about Project Treble in brief, in case you forgot.

List of phones that currently support Project Treble

Google introduced Project Treble in Android 8.0 Oreo, which will make it easier for OEMs to deliver software updates. The Android framework and the hardware drivers are separated, so the OEMs don’t have to wait for the updated drivers from chip makers. So, that’s a good thing right? Faster software updates? Well, not according to OnePlus!

OnePlus states that the technology isn’t right for them. They have conducted tests that show that delivering OTA updates to the modified partition that Project Treble requires, can result in bricking the device. And that is why the company does not want to support this technology. We believe that’s a pretty good reason.

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Perhaps OnePlus may change their mind in the future, but for now, they will not support Project Treble because of this risk. The company member also stated that OnePlus is working hard to bring faster software updates to the OnePlus 5 and 5T. OnePlus was the first manufacturer to release the Android Oreo update for its OnePlus 3 and 3T smartphones. As long as they are delivering software updates quickly, there isn’t much to bicker about here.

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