In July, Google launched its Beta test program for the Korean language on Google Assistant. Now, after almost two months, Google is ready to release the final Google Assistant in the Korean language.
And the first device to receive Google Assistant will be the recently announced flagship device from LG, the LG V30. LG V30 is launching today in South Korea and Google Assistant also comes pre-installed on it. This marks the launch of Google Assistant in South Korea.
Also read: How to type in Google Assistant
In coming weeks, Google Assistant will be available to all smartphones running Android 6.0 or above versions of Android in the country. You won’t need to install anything, your device should just meet the following three requirements: Android 6.0+ with Google Play Service, 1.5GB RAM, and 720p resolution or higher.
Google Assistant is the Artificial Intelligence (AI) based personal assistant for your device that helps you get things done quickly and easily. You can ask it to set reminders, make phone calls, play music and other things.
Also read:Â Google Assistant Tips and Tricks.
With the launch of Korean Google Assistant, the Google Assistant is now available in 9 languages viz. Korean, English, French, German, Spanish, Brazilian-Portuguese, Hindi, Indonesian and Japanese.
Google Assistant will directly compete with Samsung Bixby in South Korea.