While decisions are an important aspect of any game, sometimes all one wants to do is just get on with it and move to the good parts. But an important aspect of games like Assassin’s Creed is that as a player, you must take a call on what needs to be done.

Can you afford to be ruled by emotions when doing or not doing something will cost you heavily later on? Sometimes you can while other times, it might affect a major plot element of the game.

Nevertheless, you can make an informed decision, like in the case of whether to burn or keep the Leech book in AC Valhalla.

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What happens when you burn or keep the book


Once you complete the Bleeding the Leech quest, you will have two choices before.

Burn the book and destroy it because of its sinister owner and the bloodshed that has gone into acquiring the knowledge that fills the book.

Or Keep the book for its useful knowledge that can be used to save many lives in the future. This will also give value to lives that were lost in the process of creating this book.

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Burn or keep Book in AC Valhalla: Is there a right choice?

Both choices hold merit in their place and hold a certain amount of moral weight, hence this is a moral decision for Eivor to make. We will, however, argue in favor of keeping the book because the book itself is not evil.

In fact, the book has powerful and important knowledge, including various important cures that the Leech discovered in the process of many gruesome experiments and sacrifices. Keeping the book will turn it into a thing of goodness.

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No matter what decision you make, it won’t affect the trajectory of the game. This decision is more of a reflection of your own perspective. So even if you choose to keep the book, Eivor is only going to store it in their room.

So do you feel the book is ‘not worth its weight in blood’ or will you change the fate of this book? Do let us know in the comments.