New features in the leaked Android 4.3 Jelly Bean System Dump from Nexus 4

Android 4.3 Jacelly Bean

An Android 4.3 system dump was leaked for the Nexus 4 earlier today. And the great independent developers have already gotten us a pre-rooted Android 4.3 ROM zipped file to install using custom recoveries on Nexus 4. We’ll do a guide on download and installation instructions for it on Nexus 4 in a couple of hours. Let’s first check out the new features of Android 4.3, yeah we’re excited!

It’s always exciting to try out new builds of Android, sure we haven’t seen much of UI changes since Android 4.0, but neither are we bored of it. Google has made many significant changes with Jelly Bean that the experience on Nexus devices (at-least) is of the finest class. Butter smooth!

Anyway, Android 4.3 is here and we’ve already explored plenty of it and you’d be a bit disappointed to know that there are very little changes. But then it has come from a leaked system dump, so we could hope for more when Google oficially announces Android 4.3.

Phone Dialer Auto-Compete

Phone dialer on Android 4.3 can now auto-complete your numbers and contact names as you type using the T9 system. It works both ways — Contact names OR Numbers and shows upto 3 suggestions.

Android 4.3 T9 Dialer

New Camera app (like the Play edition phones)

Like we all expected the Camera app in Android 4.3 is that of the Play edition variants of Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One. So it has some UI changes, new animations, countdown timer, ability to take pictures using volume rocker and no more flipping of controls on orientation change.

Android 4.3 Camera App

Improved Photo Editor

Minor visual changes to photo editor app. And a few more frames.

Android 4.3 Photo Editor

Always Scanning WiFi

This is most probably for location purposes. Keeps the scanning always On even when WiFi is switched Off.

Android 4.3 WiFi Scanning

Updated Roboto Font

Roboto font too got a facelift. More nicer curves 🙂

Roboto Facelift Image by: Android Police

Nexus 4 Specific changes

Some under the hood changes for improved performance on Nexus 4:

  • New kernel
  • New touch driver (may resolve crazy touch issue when on charge)
  • New graphics driver
  • Improved WiFi performance
  • Some build.prop changes
  • Bluetooth and WiFi together works fine now
  • Audio latency is now 40ms, which was 86ms on Android 4.2 [by mariojuniorjp]

That’s all we’ve come to know so far. We’ll update this page with as soon as more info on Android 4.3 Features. Keep checking..

Special thanks to Jeff Williams for providing the Android 4.3 system dump.

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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: