Sony halts Nougat update for Xperia Z5, Z3+ and Z4 Tablet

Even after several weeks into beta testing, manufacturers this year are failing to release a stable Nougat update to their Android devices. After HTC, it’s now Sony who has halted the Android 7.0 Nougat update for their flagship phone, Xperia Z5 and the Xperia Z3+ and Z4 Tablet.

As per recent reports, Sony seems to have pulled back the Android 7.0 Nougat update its Xperia devices starting today. Users who did not download the update previously, are also reporting that the update has now disappeared from their devices.

Sony rolled out the Nougat update to Xperia Z5 and Z4 Tablet earlier this week, while the Xperia Z3+ family of devices received the update yesterday only. Sony’s Nougat update was released with build number 32.3.A.0.372.

There’s no confirmation yet as to why did the updates were halted by Sony. It could be due to a serious bug/issue present on the Nougat firmware. We expect Sony to resume the update in the next few weeks.

via Xperia Blog

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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email:


  1. Updated my Xperia Z5 Premium (E6853) to 32.3.A.0.372 on Jan 17 and have regretted it ever since. AVRC protocol is definitely not working properly. Bluetooth audio devices will pair and connect and maintain the connection fine. But playback control is non-existent, which was something I used every few minutes. If I knew there was this significant Bluetooth issue I would have never taken the upgrade. Very pissed off. So my Bluetooth speakers, in-car handsfree and stereo headsets have less functionality than a wired stereo headset with 3 buttons.

    On the Sony Support Forum there are many users reporting the same or similar Bluetooth problems

  2. I have just received update 32.3.a.0.376-r3d for my Xperia Z5 Premium. Android version is still 7.0 so it doesn’t solve the Bluetooth issues. In fact, I’m yet to see if there are any changes noticeable to the user.

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