According to a new report, Xiaomi could announce a slightly lower end variant of the Mi6 in March. This variant would not feature the Snapdragon 835 processor, instead, it would come with the MediaTek Helio X30 chipset.
We have heard several rumors about the Xiaomi Mi6 having two or more variants with slightly differentiating features. A recent rumor claimed that one variant would feature a flat display, while another would have a dual-edge display. Now, the new report states that there will be three variants for the Mi6.
Two of the variants would come with the Snapdragon 835 processor, and a third one would feature the Helio X30. Li Wanqiang, the VP of Xiaomi, announced the March release date at the GIC 2017 Innovation Conference.
The MediaTek variant of the Mi6 would also be cheaper than the other two variants which will feature Snapdragon 835. As per the report, Xiaomi may sell the Helio X30 variant for 1,999 Yuan. The variant with the flat display and SD835 could be sold at 2,499 Yuan, whereas the one with the edge display and SD835 could cost 2,999 Yuan.