[Video] Galaxy Note 8 leak shows a new display panel design

Galaxy Note 8

It feels like today has been dedicated to the Samsung Galaxy Note 8. We have already seen three different leaks popping up on the internet earlier today, and here, this is the fourth one. And, guess what? This is the most interesting of the lot.

What does it reveal, you ask? Well, it’s what could be the front panel of Galaxy Note 8 in the spotlight. And, there’s not one but two panels as you can see in the image above.

This essentially means that Samsung could currently be testing different front panels for the Galaxy Note 8. Also, it’s worth noticing that one of the two frames shown in the above video closely resembles the front panel of the upcoming iPhone 8 (or whatever Apple ends up calling it).

Read: Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 836 processor might debut with Galaxy Note 8

The top and bottom bezels of the panel also seems to be narrowed down a little bit. Which means, the Galaxy Note 8 could sport even smaller bezels. The panel also looks a bit wider, unlike the Galaxy S8 line.

All said, do note that these are just speculations and we can’t be certain (at the moment) that Samsung will end up using any of the above panels. Fun Fact: If Samsung releases the Galaxy Note 8 with the iPhone 8-like panel, technically, iPhone 8 would be copying the Note 8’s design and not the other way round (that is if Apple also sticks to the same panel as rumored) since the former will be launched before the latter.

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Travel and adventure junkie. Which is why he's now one of those cliche guys with a camera around his neck at all times. When doing neither, you'll find him uber lazy and glued to Netflix. Email: prajith@theandroidsoul.com