Unknown Sony Xperia phone (PY7-66475M) shows up at FCC

Sony is working on a new Xperia phone which just showed up on US certification site FCC. A Sony phone with FCC ID PY7-66475M has come to our notice which means that we might soon see a phone launched by the company.

When it comes to sharing device details, FCC is not the platform to turn to. But at least this certification site helps us in deciphering the smartphone name from the model number of the listed device and if we are lucky we also get a peek into battery capacity as well as few images. But not this time.

Sadly, other than the FCC ID, which has no face value in detecting a device name, the certification agency just does not come up with any hint to help us unravel the mysterious Sony device. So, we are left to keep guessing and imagining. And in this case our guess is as good as yours.

Read: Sony Xperia X Performance update

Overall, we are just happy to learn that we might be able to see a new Sony Xperia phone. This year, Sony has released four devices at the Mobile World Congress viz Xperia XA1, XA1 Ultra, XA Premium and Xperia XZs all of which were targeted at photography enthusiasts. And knowing Sony’s reputation in the camera section, a good sensor on board this upcoming mysterious phone is taken.

Source: FCC

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Nuzhat N

Nuzhat is a day-dreamer with imaginations running sky-high. Her love for tech is a recent one which she is still unwrapping and trying to decipher. Once a news-savvy journalist, she is now a tech-savvy author. Email: nuzhat@theandroidsoul.com


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