T-Mobile pushes Oreo update to Moto Z2 Force

tmobile z2 force oreo

T-Mobile has started to roll out the Android 8.0 Oreo update for the Motorola Moto Z2 Force. This is the second US carrier to roll out the Oreo update to the Z2 Force.

Late last week, the Verizon Moto Z2 Force received the update to Oreo. Now, several users on T-Mobile are also receiving the update notification. The build number of the update is OCX27 and it also installs the December Android security patch, as seen in the screenshots above.

Motorola Oreo update release date

The Oreo update will bring several new features and improvements to the device. You get an all-new Picture-in-Picture mode, smart text selection, notification dots, UI changes, redesigned emojis, and more. The update will also improve the security of the device.

You can download the update over-the-air once you get the notification. We recommend doing so using a Wi-Fi connection, and after downloading, make sure the device has more than 50 charge before you install the update. Motorola also released the Oreo update for the Moto X4 just yesterday.

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Loves tech, cars, motorbikes, travelling and cranberry juice. Doesn't hate anything, neutral during an iOS vs Android or iPhone vs other Android phone battle. Email: sid@theandroidsoul.com


  1. Horrible Update, Notifications back color change WHY EVERYBODY hate that and I mean everybody. The clock is back and my screen and this cannot get rid of it. I dislike everything about this update and liked the phone MUCH MUCH better before the update. I want to roll back but sure that can;t be done so brand new phone that I no longer like thanks to the OREO Android os update. Thanks for making EVERYTHING that was once configurable to now NOT-configurable, that is even worse ‘Settings” app, thanks for adding useless functions and taking away useful function, must have some apple people working it.

    I just wanted security patches to the OS that I was OK with, I didn’t want a new OS that stinks and reset all my setting and configurations and took away functionality from my apps and took away configuration settings. Why is the friggen clock showing up again and why can’t I get rid of it this time. OREO YUK White background on notifications YUK, OH and why can’t I add a VOLUME controp to my notification/setting section, what good is the edit function there is there is nothing worth adding available but the things you would want to add and not available….i could go on and on, but It took me a while to get phone setup and this update ruined it ALL

  2. The OS that came with my phone was OK, took me a while to get rid of the stuff I hated like CLocks popping up all the time, had to search all over the place to find the settings I wanted. This update blew away all my settings and now the clocks shows again but this time I cannot stop it. Gee thanks for taking away functionality. This oreo update is more like a beta where the OS that came with my Z2 force seemed solid. Perviously I found few BUGS but with the OREO update BUGS everywhere, removed functionality, setting all reset and no way to set them anymore, stuff doesn;t work, Had the phone for 3 weeks now, liked it until oreo update now I dont like it and wish I had NOT updated, or even bought it. Like Apple Andriod updates are NOT good for the USER. thanks for replaceing my so-so operating system with a horrible beta-ware OS.

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