T-Mobile Introduces Their “Fastest” Phone, The Galaxy S 4G, Marked At $199.99 On Contract

Galaxy S 4G Official Price

T-Mobile just officially launched its latest android phone — the Samsung galaxy S 4G. We doubted it would get priced a bit higher at $200 with a two year agreement, and our nightmare came officially true today. Still,  T-Mobile is quick to point rather bigger figure for purchase of Galaxy S 4G, at $500 — which is of course without-contract price.

For the 200 bucks — presumably very valuable — you spent on Galaxy S 4G, you get yourself a sleek and beautiful Smartphone with a 4-inch Super-AMOLED display, a 1 GHz Hummingbird processor, a 5 megapixel camera and compatibility with Samsung’s 4G HSPA+ network. Basically, Samsung Vibrant at T-Mobile already got it all, except the HSPA+ connectivity, which is why Galaxy S 4G is born.

An Android 2.2 may sound as an disappointment but we really have real hopes of Galaxy S 4G getting Android 2.4, since we’ve been hearing a lot that Android 2.4 will be called Gingerbread only — so it’s prudent to update the phone once and all with Android 2.4, totally skipping Android 2.3.

But, whatever be the case with the OS, the phone is definitely hot, comes with a preloaded movie: Inception, and it can stream HD TV, capture HD video, Samsung™ Media Hub gives you cinema-quality entertainment, and live video chat powered by Qlk™. Samsung’s Media Hub application, that comes pre-installed with Galaxy S 4G letting you purchase entertainment stuff, even supports direct billing to T-Mobile account — which is a cool!

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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: shivam@theandroidsoul.com