Samsung Galaxy S10 to feature 3D camera?

The latest flagship Android device from Samsung in the Galaxy S9 is not even a month old, and we’re already hearing about the Galaxy S10 and what it could bring. According to The Bell Korea, Samsung Electronics has 3D depth sensing camera technology in the works, which will most likely be a part of the next generation of Galaxy devices. And that has to be the Galaxy S10, right? Or the Galaxy X, perhaps!

Apparently, Mantis Vision, an Israeli 3D camera development company has confirmed that it is working closely with Samsung in developing the 3D sensing camera. The technology will most likely rival Apple’s iPhone X, which sports a TrueDepth Camera that can map out entire facial expressions of a person and create AR objects such as Animojis.

The market for 3D sensing camera is not too large yet and the technology needed for creating 3D modules is still in the works. But it is expected that Samsung will push forward to bring this innovative feature as soon as next year to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Galaxy S series. Apart from the 3D sensing camera, in-display fingerprint sensor will most likely be a driving feature on the Galaxy S10 as well.

Related: Galaxy S10 news and release date

The giants in the business are already working on it, with Qualcomm developing an ultrasonic fingerprint sensor, while Synaptics has already created in-display optical fingerprint sensors. The feature is currently limited to the Vivo X20 Plus UD, and the conceptual Vivo APEX that was unveiled at the MWC 2018.

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Sharing a love-hate relationship with Biotechnology in college, Husain moved on to his true calling of being a tech geek through and through. While briefly being persuaded by the iPhone, he made it back to the Android camp with the OnePlus One and has been a loyal comrade since.


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