New Google Calendar is coming with beautiful design, animations and new features

With all the material design updates to various Google apps in the last week, didn’t you wished an update to the aging Google Calendar app too? Well, your wish just got granted. Google has announced a brand new Google Calendar app with new design (material) and a handful of new features.


The new Google Calendar app for Android and iPhone

Auto Calendar events from Gmail

The new Google Calendar app now turns your events from Gmail automatically into Calendar events. Your flight bookings, hotel reservations and other such stuff would now automatically be added to your Calendar as events so you’re always upto date with your bookings, reservations and orders. For flight events, your calendar will even have details like flight number and check-in time, plus it’ll also auto update itself in real time for any delays in flight.

Assists, to save you time

With Assists, the new Google calendar app can suggest things for you as you type. This should make creating calendar events simpler than ever.

Beautiful Schedule View

New Google Calendar comes with schedule view feature, which beautifully lays out your schedule with photos and maps of places you’ll be visiting as per your schedule, and also some nice illustrated images for everyday things like dinner and yoga.

This is a huge update to the Google Calendar app and will work only on Android 4.1+ devices. Unfortunately, the app is yet to hit the Play Store, and we don’t have a working .apk to share with you people. Stay tuned..

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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: