LG Optimus 2X for T-Mobile by March [Rumor]

LG Optimus 2X US T-Mobile March

We knew LG would launch its first dual core phone — the Optimus 2X — in Korea next month. While, Europe will be second zone on earth to be bestowed with the powerful dual-core goodness of the 2X. But those of you who were getting very very curious about when the nVidia Tagra 2 processor powered processor phone is coming to US, there is a rumor on desk now. We’re hearing that T-Mobile might begin selling the LG Optimus 2X by late Feb or early March, which isn’t insanely late when you consider time Samsung took bringing its massive-hit Galaxy S to US, launching with 4 US carriers straightaway.

Multiple carrier launches of Optimus 2X — earlier known as LG Star — is doubtful (but, still possible) if you consider what other carriers are already looking interesting in: Verizon getting a HTC Device (called, HTC Mecha and/or Incredible HD) and AT&T keen on Motorola Olympus (another dual-core we know coming soon early next year).

The LG Optimus 2X will be launched with Froyo (android 2.2.1 to be exact) while android 2.3 aka Gingerbread is promised in updates. So, that’s LG flagship device next year, unless LG got something greater inside, which we think it has.

Via: Engadget

Source: RCR Unplugged

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: kapil@theandroidsoul.com