Enable RTL language ( Arabic, Hebrew and more) support on the Kindle Fire

Kindle Fire RTL Language Support (Arabic, Hebrew and more)

UPDATE: If you’re on firmware 6.2 or above, then don’t follow steps given below, instead go to → this link, the developer has given a special tip for those who’ve upgraded to the latest firmware.

Just when we thought Amazon was excluding a huge potential market by not providing RTL language ( Right-To-Left languages) support natively, XDA member Azdian has found a mod which enables this on our beloved Kindle Fire. The patch is originally credited to developer Madmack, see his blog here. Azdian has simplified the steps for applying the patch and posted it on XDA.

The patch basically attempts to sneak in Arabic language support to the framework.jar & libwebcore.so which are system components that take care of how text looks on the Android OS.

So lets cut to the chase, and get down to business:

The methods and procedures discussed here are considered risky and you should not attempt anything if you don’t know completely what it is. If any damage occurs to you or your device, we won’t be held liable — you only will be responsible, you’ve been warned!!!


  • Your device needs to be rooted.
  • Your Android version is 2.1 or newer
  • Your ROM needs to be deodexed. To find out if your installed ROM is deodexed, navigate to /system/framework on your phone. If you see a file called framework.odex then this patch will NOT work for you.
  • Your rom is not based on MIUI.

Steps to apply the patch [Quoted from XDA]

  1. Download Madmack RTL Patcher HERE, then extract the files, you will see some subfolders and files what you need to remember is input and output subfolders and command.exe for later use.
  2. Go to your Kindle. Open Root Explorer and copy the following files from your kindle to your pc
  3. Move these files to input subfolder, and then run commands.exe DO NOT close the black cmd screens that will pop up, wait till its finished, once its done you will find these files in the output subfolder:
  4. Move them to your kindle and replace the original files with the files you generated
    framework.jar to /system/framework/
    lib__bcore.so to /system/lib/
    libandroid_runtime.so to /system/lib/
    libicuuc-arabic.so to /system/lib/
    libwebcore.so to /system/lib/
  5. When you paste libandroid_runtime.so to its path /system/lib/ the device will reboot as if there is something wrong… “Don’t panic” . After you move all the files, reboot the Kindle.
  6. Now your device support RTL languages, in twitter, browser, gmail .. etc.

Do let us know if this worked for you in comments below.


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