How to install Google ARCore on any Android phone [APK]

Google recently announced the Google ARCore project which brings the power of Augmented Reality (AR) to existing Android devices through software. The new project is built on the technologies Google developed while working on project Tango for the past three years, and the company is now aiming to bring that tech to 100 million Android devices without the need of any additional hardware with the ARCore project.

The first ARCore preview is already available for download and it currently supports Google Pixel and Samsung’s Galaxy S8, running on Android 7.0 Nougat or above. Google is already working with other Android device manufacturers as well to bring AR to as much Android devices as possible by the end of the preview.

And while it’ll take time for Google to make things perfect and add support for more Android devices, some nice folks over at Github have already made it possible for us mere mortals to install and test ARCore on any of our Android devices.

Though you’ll still need an Android device running on Android 7.0 Nougat or above, but setting it up is pretty simple and you don’t even need root access for this.


Installation: To get the ARCore preview running on any Android device you just need to install the modified ARCore Service APK. Once you’ve done that try apps that are built on the ARCore platform to see it in action.

The Hello AR apk linked above in the downloads section is a test app which will let you see a demo of ARCore on your Android device. Have fun!

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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email:


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