How to see your liked posts in Threads

What to know

  • To view all your likes in the Threads app, head to your Profile page > Menu > Your likes. You should be able to view all your likes on Threads on this page.
  • Not available at first, the ability to view your liked posts came as part of any update to the Threads app that brought cool features like Mention, ALT text, Profile verification, and more.

Threads is the new microblogging platform from Meta that allows you to start threads and share updates while also joining public conversations. Threads was hugely popular when it was first released, with over 70 million users signing up for the platform within the first few days, and this number is steadily increasing. To capitalize on this momentum, Meta has released a new update (on August 9, 2023) for Threads that adds some new features and improvements.

Among these features is the ability to view all your liked threads in one place. If you have found it tough to keep track of conversations you like but do not wish to comment on each one to receive regular updates, then this new feature is perfect for you. Let’s take a look at how you can find all your liked threads in one place in the app.

Related: Want to use Threads on PC: Check these workarounds!

How to see your liked posts in the Threads app

You will first need to update the Threads app on your device to access the recently released features, including finding your liked threads in one place. You need v295.0 or higher, whether using an Android or iOS device. You can use the links below to update Threads. Once you’ve updated the app, you can use the following section to view your liked threads.

Related: How to change Threads Settings for Notifications, Account and Privacy Settings

On Android

Follow the steps below to view your liked posts in Threads if you’re using an Android device. Let’s get started.

Open Threads and tap Log in with Instagram.

Now type in your login credentials at the top.

Once you’re done, tap Log in.

Tap Save if you wish to save your login info, or Not now if you wish to skip this step. 

You should now be logged into your account. Tap the Profile image in the bottom right corner of your screen.

Now tap the menu icon in the top right corner.

Tap Your likes.

All your liked posts and replies will now be available in this section.

And that’s how you can view all your liked threads in the app.

Related: Does Threads Show Who Viewed Your Profile?

On iOS

Use the steps below to view all your liked threads and replies if you’re using an iOS device.

Open Threads and tap Log in with Instagram at the bottom of your screen.

Type in your login credentials in the dedicated text boxes at the top.

Once you’re done, tap Log in.

Tap Save if you wish to save your login info, else tap Not Now.

You will now be logged into your account. Tap the Profile image at the bottom.

Now tap the menu icon in the top right corner.

Tap Your likes.

You should now be able to view all your liked threads and replies on this page.

And that’s how you can view all your likes in Threads when using an iOS device.

We hope this post helped you easily find all your liked threads in one place. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to comment below.

Related: How to Find Your Instagram Friends on Threads

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Spectroscopic collection of human cells trying to pave a path via words.