The recently launched Pixel Buds have gained quite a lot of attention since its launch this month. At an event held in San Francisco, Google introduced its first wireless headset, Pixel Buds, to the world.
With Google Assistant and real-time translation of languages available at one touch, Pixel Buds can also read your notifications and messages. And it’s obvious that you can listen to music too. But as is the law of nature, nothing is perfect, Pixel Buds also face some issues. One such issue is the audio stuttering problem on Pixel Buds.
Audio stuttering issue is not new to wireless headphones/earphones. Matter fact, it’s not an issue with your wireless headset at all. The problem lies in the connection strength between your smartphone and the wireless headset. And these are mostly common among all wireless earphones, including the Pixel Buds. Below are some of the common issues which cause audio stuttering on wireless headsets (along with fixes).
Multipoint connections
When your wireless earphones, in this case, the Pixel Buds are connected to two devices at the same time it may stutter while playing audio. So the obvious fix for the issue in this situation is to connect to only one device when you’re facing audio stuttering problem.
Weak connectivity
For any wireless connection, the distance between the two connecting devices should not be much as it would lead to connectivity issues. Similarly, many times when the distance between wireless headset (Pixel buds) and phone is much, it leads to the stuttering problem. The simple fix for this problem is to get the Pixel buds closer to your phone.
Interference from other nearby bluetooth devices, mostly smartphones could also cause audio stuttering issues on Pixel Buds. This mostly happens when you’re in a crowded area, and there isn’t really any fix for it other than recommending you to move to a less crowded area. This is just for your information.
Also, many times, simultaneously using the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth could also lead to audio stuttering. So, you should try turning off Wi-Fi to resolve the issue.
These are most common problems which cause music stuttering on wireless headsets, but if you know of any other fix, do let us know in the comments section below.
stutters for me when I have my wifi hotspot on