How to Install Android 7.0 Nougat on Galaxy Nexus I9250 (AOSP ROM)

The first Nexus phone that we fell in love with — the Galaxy Nexus — hasn’t been left out of Nougat love from the developer community. The OMAP4-AOSP project over at xda has released an Android 7.0 Nougat ROM for Galaxy Nexus I9250. And boy, it flows!

The last official update which the Galaxy Nexus received was Android 4.3 Jellybean. And since then, the device has been breathing on the love that third-party developer community is throwing at it.

If you were wondering about the performance of Galaxy Nexus on Android 7.0 Nougat. Well, know that every Android release is built to run fine on devices with 1GB RAM and dual core processor. The Galaxy Nexus satisfies that need. Plus, AOSP builds are performance driven in general so it’s absolutely fine if you wish to use this Nougat ROM as dialy driver on your Galaxy Nexus.

[ecko_toggle style=”solid” state=”closed” title=”Known issues / Bugs with the ROM (click to view)“]

While we weren’t able reproduce any CMA-related problems, hidden ones can still arise. In most cases, these problems will be either lost Ducati functionality (no multimedia capabilities) until rebooting, or a kernel panic (hard reboot) – upon noticing any of these, be sure to grab a logcat/dmesg and/or last_kmsg and send it to us (preferably by attaching it to a post in this thread).

Other than that, the bugs I noticed in the current build:

– Sound pops can be observed, mostly when using touch sounds (this is being investigated)
– Some exotic video formats or camera modes might not be perfect – if you notice any artifacts or green spots (the issue that happened in the past), report the details in this thread
– Inverted colors mode not working
– Tricky connection to some 5 GHz Wi-Fi networks
– SELinux is in Permissive mode (this isn’t a problem for most people, just mentioned it here as extra information)


Grab the Galaxy Nexus Android 7.0 Nougat ROM from the download link below and simply install/flash it via TWRP recovery like you’d flash any other custom ROM on the device. Also, since this is an AOSP based ROM, you will have to flash/install a Nougat supported Gapps package separately via TWRP to get Google services like Play Store on your device. Get both the files below:

Download Galaxy Nexus Android 7.0 Nougat ROM

Download Android 7.0 Nougat Gapps

For help installing the ROM, follow our detailed step-by-step guide to install a custom ROM like this via TWRP recovery.

[icon name=”hand-o-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] How to Install a Custom ROM using TWRP Recovery

via xda, Featured image credit: The Verge

Posted by
Shivam Malani

Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: