Easy Automated Root for Kindle Fire HD 7″

You gotta love the Android development community. With the Kindle Fire HD 7″ out in the market for just a few days, root access has already been obtained on it. XDA Recognized Contributor sparkym3 has released an automated tool – Qemu Automated Root Tool – that will allow you to root your Kindle Fire HD, so that you can access system files, use root-enabled apps, make modifications to the system etc.

Continue reading to find out how the Kindle Fire HD 7″ can be rooted.


This hack and the guide below are compatible only and only with the Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7″. It’s not compatible with other devices.


The methods and procedures discussed here are considered risky and you should not attempt anything if you don’t know completely what it is. If any damage occurs to your device, we won’t be held liable.

How to Root Kindle Fire HD 7″ with Qemu Automated Root Tool

  1. Download and install the drivers for the tablet on your computer (extract the downloaded file to get the drivers installer). Skip this step if you already have drivers installed for the tablet.
    Download Drivers
  2. Download the Qemu root tool from the source page.
  3. Extract the contents of the downloaded file to a convenient location on your computer.
  4. Enable ADB on the tablet from Menu » More » Settings » ADB.
  5. Now, connect your Kindle Fire HD to the computer.
  6. Double-click the RootQemu file in the folder where you extracted the tool’s files.
  7. Then, to start the rooting procedure, type 1 into the Qemu Automated Root Tool window that opened up and press Enter.
  8. Then, follow the onscreen instructions to root your Kindle Fire HD 7″.
Your Kindle Fire HD 7″ should now be rooted. Enjoy!


  1. I downloaded the drivers, unzipped the file, attempted to install the drivers, and I received a message telling me that they were unsuccessfully installed and that I have to install them manually……I have no clue how to do this?

  2. I downloaded the drivers, unzipped the file, attempted to install the drivers, and I received a message telling me that they were unsuccessfully installed and that I have to install them manually……I have no clue how to do this?

  3. I downloaded the drivers, unzipped the file, attempted to install the drivers, and I received a message telling me that they were unsuccessfully installed and that I have to install them manually……I have no clue how to do this?

  4. Hi, run the root tool and my device is detected but after running through the process I get an error of ‘Failed, your device region may not be supported” I’ve rerun with the same outcome, any ideas?

  5. Hi, run the root tool and my device is detected but after running through the process I get an error of ‘Failed, your device region may not be supported” I’ve rerun with the same outcome, any ideas?

  6. Hi, run the root tool and my device is detected but after running through the process I get an error of ‘Failed, your device region may not be supported” I’ve rerun with the same outcome, any ideas?

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