Android 7.0 Nougat update release for HTC 10 in Europe set for November end-Early December

Well known and fully trusted source of all things, HTC, the LlabTooFer twitter handle has out the date on HTC 10 Nougat update release, and it’s set to arrive this month only, or early next month.

The rumors marks the November end as the release date for HTC 10 Android 7.0 update in Europe, but it could turn out to be December first week, in case things aren’t full ready by that time.

HTC had earlier promised that they plan to release the Nougat update for their three devices, including carrier variants, to before the end of December 2016: the HTC 10, One M9 and One A9.

We’re yet to see a Android 7.0 beta update arrive for any one of them, and it’s unclear whether the November end release touted for HTC 10 Nougat is a stable release, or on the lines of Sony and Samsung, a beta release.

FYI, Samsung recently outed a test release of its Nougat beta for the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge, while it’s also reportedly working on Nougat firmware for the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge.

Moreover, Sony has two Nougat beta builds out, one each for X Performance and Xperia X. LG was able to update its G5 with Nougat in last week, and that too with a stable one, so kudos to LG. Lastly, Huawei — which released the Mate 9 Pro (price) today in China — started the Honor 8 Nougat beta program for Indian users recently, but its Huawei P9 already has 7.0 update available via a leaked firmware.

Via LlabTooFer

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: