Yesteryear PC classic Lode Runner comes to Android

If you loved playing simple PC games like Pac-Man and back in the day when 8-bit games were the best thing that happened to PCs, Lode Runner is a name that should come to mind in a flash. Lode Runner broke the mold for platform PC game when it first came out in 1983.

The original Lode Runner game by Broderbund was a great commercial success, and also gave way to a number of sequels with more difficult levels designed by fans. And the classic game now comes to our very own Android, courtesy developer Suvitruf. 

It is remake of the original game, designed specially for the Android eco-system, and don’t get fooled by the retro-style graphics, as the game will keep you engaged and enjoying for many hours.  This seemingly simple title is actually a rather complex game which will test your skills to the limit.

The Android version is surprisingly similar in looks and game mechanics to the original, retaining that retro 80’s look and feel. Of course, playing the game with an on-screen virtual joystick may not be as comfortable as using a physical keyboard, but it is quite  responsive and meets the purpose.

The objective of the game, like in the original, is to collect all the heaps of gold coins in each level, while taking care not to bump into any of the enemy robots along the way. Sounds easy, doesn’t it. Well,  actually doing it is a different thing altogether when you see how fast those robots move and box you in with no escape route.

Check out this short video to get a feel of the gameplay.

[youtube video_id=”j2c4fvR3SS8″ width=”620″ height=”400″ /]

There are 20 exciting levels available currently, and the developer promises to add more through updates. The game is free to download but carries some ads at the bottom of the screen. Nothing that will distract you from getting that gold though. So if you’re up for some fast paced 80’s -retro action. hit the download link below to get Lode Runner.

Lode Runner