Whatsapp is the new trend among the messaging apps that allow you to text for free with other users irrespective of platform. There is a good news for the Whatsapp users on CyanogenMod, that they can theme their Whatsapp messenger with the shades of CM11. The theme customizes your Whatsapp messenger alone and doesn’t affect any of your other apps, so it’s not going to interfere with your other home screen themes.
The Whatsapp CM11 theme customize all the icons and designs in your Whatsapp messenger without messing with any of the code. This lets you get rid of the common Whatsapp theme and brings a colorful Green theme that clearly suits the Whatsapp than the slightly greyish green design it comes preloaded with. The colorful icons are replaced with the simple white icons on green tiles to match the theme. There is a little bug though, the font color on the Whatsapp action bar like last seen reminder is barely readable with the near difference in the background and foreground color of those fonts on Action bar.
If you wish to install this theme, make sure you have the latest CM11 Theme Chooser on your CyanogenMod powered Android device. The theme will overthrow any other themes on your Whatsapp messenger but doesn’t affect other themes that decorate your Home screen.
Download the Whatsapp CM11 theme from the Playstore link provided below.
The Good
- Simple theme
- Plain icons
The Bad
- Nothing in this column
Get it on the play store using the link below.
  Download Whatsapp CM11 Theme