Images of Verizon Droid Incredible X leak, might be known as HTC Deluxe. A word on specs and release date too!

The supposedly Verizon bound HTC Droid Incredible X has been in touch with us via rumors and leaks for a long time, but finally, some real good images of the device – which you might see hitting Verizon stores by the name of HTC Deluxe – have leaked out. We’ve known this device as HTC DLX for long time which we obviously thought was the short name for HTC Droid Incredible X, but now, it appears that it was the abbreviated version of HTC Deluxe, which in fact looks more reasonable, actually. And while we’re talking so much about names, let us remind you that this device has also been labeled as HTC One X5, or the Google Nexus 5 (since rumors about it aren’t dead yet and more so if you are still dreaming about multiple Nexuses and all). And it’s also known as HTC J Butterfly in Japan. But let’s leave the names and schemes behind names behind us now, and fix our gaze at more grander things: images, and specs murmured based off images itself – after all, what is in the name? (Well, at least as long as specs talk of a 5 inch 1080p display and quad-core processor coupled with 2 GB RAM.)

The images received by the Android Central confirms the 2 GB RAM, and are un-surprisingly very much in line with the specs we heard of earlier, but there are some tidbits that have undergone a change. The RAM was rumored 1.5 GB earlier, while it pretty much confirmed as 2 GB this time around, but to make that possible, it seems the camera sensors took a the required hit, down from 12 megapixel to 8 megapixel for the main back cam, while the front cam stays at 2 megapixel count. FYI, the RAM and camera are now in line with the HTC J Butterfly, which is already official in Japan – call it a variant of HTC Deluxe.

Other specs whispered about are the presence of quad-core processor, which is quite apparent since HTC J Butterfly houses the same, too, as also the OS, Android 4.1.1. As also the spec which is apparently the most fascinating feature of HTC Deluxe, the 5 inch display with full HD super resolution of 1080p. Display has been described as beautiful, so we’re inclined to think of it as the Super LCD 3 display type, as in HTC J Butterfly. And then there’s Beats audio integration, obvious one. So, as regards specifications, we assume it’s the HTC J Butterfly without any changes whatsoever, except for obvious ones to make it work on Verizon network and support LTE thereat.

Now, the leaked images of HTC Deluxe talk a lot about this being an HTC device at Verizon — and that’s happening after a long time, btw, and more so, if you are still rueing the fact that neither the HTC One X (or One X+) nor the HTC One S were ever wooed by Verizon. The back of the HTC DLX looks familiar to that of Droid Incredible 2 and the phone sports the well-known red markings around the camera, volume keys and bezel, which is usually what you expect from an HTC phone at Verizon. Yes, the back of the HTC DLX sports the Verizon-favorite 4G LTE branding.

For the fans of Galaxy Nexus and its on-screen keys (which Motorola has adopted pretty well for its Droid Razr HD and Droid Razr Maxx HD phones, and rightly too), the HTC is yet to become a fan of on-screen keys. Yes, even on the 5-inch display, if you thought One X’s 4.7 inch display was, according to HTC, not too much to provide for on-screen keys. The device sports same 3 hardware capacitive keys as that on HTC One X, with Home key in the middle with Back and Recent Apps keys residing to its left and right – we think HTC will definitely include the option to turn the Recent Apps keys to good old Menu key, as it did to the One X via an update. Further, it’s said that the power button lies in the centre of top bezel, which is a first time because HTC has used either the left or right of the top bezel till now to place the Power key.

Okay, something about the release date. The HTC Deluxe, or the HTC DLX, or the Droid Incredible X (if not the HTC One X5 or the Google Nexus 5), is said to be released by Thanksgiving, which is on November 28 this year, so expect the mid-Nov to late-Nov release date in US at Verizon, well in time for Christmas.

So, there you have your Sunday rumor feast – the HTC Deluxe for Verizon, with specs of HTC J Butterfly, with the slated release date of November end. And its images, of course.


HTC Droid Incredible X

Posted by
Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email:

1 Comment

  1. “Thanksgiving, which is on November 28 this year” Actually, it is on the 22nd this year and the 28th in 2013.

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