Telus releases bug fixes and security updates to Nexus 6, Moto Z, Moto Z Play and Moto E

Canadian carrier Telus has been seeding new updates for the Nexus 6, Moto Z Play, Moto Z, and the Moto E. The updates have been live for some time now, but the carrier only announced it today.

The Moto Z Play on Telus started receiving a Bug fix update on January 19. We’re not sure what bugs it fixes, but it is certainly a recommended update. The Motorola Nexus 6 received a security update on January 24, possibly with the latest Android security patch.

The Moto E and the Moto Z also received new updates on January 26. Users of the Moto E got a bug fix and a security update bundled in one. Once again, the update most likely installed the latest security patch. The Moto Z got just a bug fix update.

If you’re on Telus and own any of these devices, you should install the latest update. Haven’t received the update yet? Check for it manually using the Settings app. The Moto Z, Moto Z Play and the Nexus 6 have received the Nougat update on Telus.

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