TED app introduces autoplay feature and brings in many improvements

Update [April 18, 2017]: The latest update that has pumped the version to 3.1.0 brings in many nifty improvements to the TED Android app. The update fixes the Android Nougat playback issue and faulty ordering of TED talks in playlists and history. Moreover, you now get much better and improved search results.

Also, to be in the consistency with other TED platforms (website, iOS app), they have finally renamed the “Favorites” to “Likes” in the Android app. In addition to that, the developers have added a new feature of Autoplay. Meaning, the next related talk will autoplay, after the current one finishes. You can always cancel it, though.

Also read: Cool hidden features of your Android device

The TED app lets you browse the entire TED Talks video library with subtitles in multiple languages. With the app, you can bookmark Talks and sync the saved Talks across devices. Besides that, you can even download the Talks – both audio and video, for offline playback.

→ Download TED Android app

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