SuperWipe for AT&T Galaxy S2 — A Very Handy Tool for ROM Flashers

One of the first steps that one must almost always perform before installing a custom ROM after booting into CWM recovery is perform a wipe of the data, cache and dalvik cache (and even the system partition sometimes). For regular ROM flashers, this becomes very boring and repetitive, and the cumbersome method of using the volume buttons to navigate recovery doesn’t help the case.

If you own the AT&T Samsung Galaxy S2 I777 and regularly flash custom ROMs, you’ll love the SuperWipe script by XDA modder ymcmbforever. By just installing the SuperWipe zip before installing the ROM, you can wipe the data, cache, dalvik cache and system partitions automatically, eliminating the need to wipe them manually one by one. Not only that, the script also does the following:

  • Aligns the disks and data
  • Converts all partitions to ext4
  • Memory tweaks
  • Partition tweaks including spx-ext

So, head on over to the official page on XDA to download SuperWipe, and put an end to manual wiping of partitions before flashing custom ROMs on your AT&T Galaxy S2. Do let us know in the comments what you think about it.


    1. We got the wind of it on the page linked above as “Official Page to XDA” so, that guy has been given the credits.

      It would be cool if you can get us a link to prove your claim. We would be happy to link the original dev, if there is one, for this cool quick tool.
      Btw, it’s available for many devices, so it’s easily possible there is different dev for each device.

  1. The OP on XDA even states that this script is ported from Superwipe. Please give credit where it is due. TDJ originally posted his Darkside Superwipe for SGSII on February 8th of this year.

  2. I really like how you selectively remove any posts that do not suit you. Give you the proof with links and all, and you delete them so that others can’t decide for themselves who’s work this originally was. I will not be visiting your site again because of practices such as these.

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