The Xiaomi Mi6 is one of the most significant Android-powered flagships on the market, with the Chinese Android OEM having announced it a few weeks ago. The device brings the Snapdragon 835 SoC, 6GB of RAM, the Adreno 540 GPU, and other flagship specs. And Xiaomi’s price tag for the Mi6 is rather competitive, so much so that the Mi6 isn’t the flagship that will eat your pockets for lunch.
And yet, more than money, some manufacturers crave fan bases and brand loyalty, and Xiaomi is no different. What better way to draw in that devoted fan base (or those who admire the phone from afar) than to give them a chance to win a free Mi6?
That seems to be the goal or aim behind Xiaomi’s new Mi6 giveaway. The contest allows Mi6 fans to win the new handset by downloading the new MIUI Forum app. The Forum app allows buyers to have a similar community to that of OnePlus: a place where users can discuss the handset, share their experiences with other users, and get tips and help on how to troubleshoot problems or find a feature they can’t spot on their own. There are other prizes too, though we have a feeling most users will want Xiaomi’s new 2017 flagship above all.
The Xiaomi Mi6 has more than flagship specs and a contest to commend it, though: the device also has a far superior selfie shooter than that of Apple’s iPhone 7 Plus and comes in a Ceramic design that sets it apart from many metal and glass devices on the market. There is that absence of a 3.5mm headphone jack that some may find turn-offish, but apart from that, there’s little to hate and lots to love.
And this new MIUI Forum contest, considering that some lucky Forum member will get a free handset, only sweetens the pot. A flagship is always good, but a free flagship is even better.
Source: Xiaomi