Sony Ericsson Nozomi Android Phone Rumors Appear

This is one of the best weeks we’ve had on the Andorid scene. We’ve already seen very slim and shiny android tablets — Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 and Toshiba Excite — announced and now there is a new phone from Sony Ericsson, called Nozomi, rumored to be SE’s flagship device of next year, 2012. So, is is the Xperia Duo we heard of? Very likely.

Well, although the rumor hasn’t has it, but we think it would be called Xperia Nozomi, since all android powered phones from SE fall under the Xperia brand. For example, the recently announced Xperia Arc S, with improved 1.4 GHz single core processor, from Arc.

Sony Ericsson Nozomi’s rumored specifications are pretty solid — it is said to feature a 1.5 GHz dual-core processor (made by Qualcomm), 1 GB RAM, 32 GB internal memory, cool 1750 mAh battery, and 4.3 inch screen with HD resolution of 1280 x 720, firing the PPI count to 342 which is more than human eye’s 300 PPI and iPhone 4’s 326 PPI — the current best. Plus, SE Nozomi will come with micro-SIM card — it might be the first phone to feature it, btw.

Although everything looks so good for Nozomi, it’s the release date which kills the enthusiasm, ironically. The launch date of Nozomi is pegged at March 2012 — whopping 6 months far from today, which is too lengthy – in case you’re wondering. You know, by which time the 1.5 GHz processors may seem a bit dated and very likely, the quad-core processors making headlines and a couple of phones based on 4 cores even hitting retail stores, given the pace at which mobile tech industry is leap frogging month by month.

You’d recall what happened by the time the 1 GHz single-core phone, SE Xperia Arc was launched — LG already had its dual-core phone, Optimus 2X, out while Moto was on the verge of launching it’s dual-core beast Atrix. And that hurt Arc, badly – the phone seems completely outdated, frankly, it’s only its design that saves it, again and again.

Since Nozomi is rumored as SE’s flagship device for 2012, the said march release doesn’t draw any suspicions either — X10 was released in March 2010 and Arc made its outing in March 2011 — so no hopes of Nozomi launching anytime sooner than that and also, SE doesn’t have any other good phone in plans (rumored!), either.

By the current standards, SE Nozomi is one great phone, which should see the sunlight in maximum 2-3 months from now to be mouth-watering appealing to us.

Other than the release date rant, the phone looks awesome on the spec-sheet and it goes without saying that SE knows best how to design phones, so Nozomi should be a great looker, we guess.

But, we don’t think the display quality will be anything near to Super AMOLED HD, featured in Galaxy tab 7.7 and expected in future Samsung phones too, including that rumored first upcoming Android 4.0 device, Nexus Prime / Droid Prime.

So, are you looking forward to SE Nozomi? Even if Droid/Nexus Prime launches earlier with Ice Cream Sandwich pre-installed? Let us hear your thoughts in comments below.

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email:


  1. No comment.
    That device should be launched already!!!!
    That is just sad!
    I like SE. In fact, I only buy their products and I confider myself as loyal fan (even earlier I was one, when S and E were apart)
    Now, my advice to company would be to look for tomorrow!
    Skip one generation and make advanced device in terms of design and specifications!
    Something groundbreaking, market-disrupting!
    Something like:
    @1 quad core pro@1:disqus essor, android 4.0, 2GB of ram, 32GB internal and up to 64GB external memory, USB host capable device, HDMI out, 4,5″ OLED or IPS LCD with super high pixel density 400+ and resolution of 1024×768 or higher. 
    In short: Numbers, Numbers, Numbers!!

    @2. Design it in way only SE can! Maybe like pen whose screen can be wrapped around one solid part… something futuristic…

  2. Great smart phone, The Sony Ericsson Nozomi is one of the great creations of Sony, It comes with great features such as long battery, huge touch screen, an excellent camera quality, etc. It runs on android OS and powered by fast processor. It is very cheapest than other devices.

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