Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge just might receive Android Oreo update

galaxy s6 and s6 edge oreo

As per a new rumor, the Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge might end up receiving an upgrade to Android 8.0 Oreo. Yes, a three year old Android smartphone. We recommend you take this with a grain of salt, and so does the person who came up with this.

A Redditer apparently spoke to several Samsung representatives on chat and all of them told him that the device will receive the update to Oreo. This is most likely not true, but even if there’s a slight chance of it being real, then that puts Samsung in some really good light.

This means that Samsung could provide a three-year software update guarantee for its smartphones. That would be an OEM first in the Android world. Of course, Google already does this with its Pixel and Nexus devices. But for an OEM to do this, that would be a nice welcome, and could help set an example for others.

Check out: Samsung Galaxy S9 release date and specs

If this is true, then it also means that the current Galaxy S8/S8+, and the Note 8 will receive the Android Q update as well. Let’s hope this is true, even though Samsung chat reps are known to not have any clue about most things. Check out the screenshot below;

You could also try out your luck, talking to a Samsung rep on chat and try to find out more about this. According to the Redditer, all the other reps would give similar replies to this question. He also spoke to the reps about the Note 8 and S8 getting Project Treble support, and he didn’t get any answers. You can check out all the screenshots of the conversations here.

Nevertheless, this rumor being true would really make Samsung customers very happy. What do you think?

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Loves tech, cars, motorbikes, travelling and cranberry juice. Doesn't hate anything, neutral during an iOS vs Android or iPhone vs other Android phone battle. Email:


  1. Wow this will be great news for my loved s6,i cannot afford flagship anymore,s6 is like the best phone i ever had :-*

  2. Wow this will be great news for my loved s6,i cannot afford flagship anymore,s6 is like the best phone i ever had :-*

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