Qualcomm Snapdragon 638 processor is in the works besides SD635 and SD670

Qualcomm Snapdragon 638

Nearly an hour ago, we told you that Qualcomm is working on the Snapdragon 670 SoC. Well, it turns out a couple of other chipsets from Snapdragon 600 series are also in the works currently.

The chip-maker is reportedly planning to introduce a new chipset called Snapdragon 638 alongside the Snapdragon 635 SoC which comes as a successor to the Snapdragon 630 chipset.

Although there’s no official confirmation, both the Snapdragon 635 and Snapdragon 638 SoCs should be built on 14nm process node akin to its predecessors. While the Snapdragon 670 SoC, on the other hand, will be built on Samsung 10nm LPE process.

Read: Qualcomm showcases its new depth sensing camera tech for upcoming Android phones

Earlier today, another leak had surfaced online suggesting that next year’s flagship Snapdragon 845 chip will not feature a dedicated Artificial Intelligence (AI) core. Now we can’t confirm the authenticity of this leak. But, it sure doesn’t seem to be anywhere close to reality.

Source: Weibo

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Travel and adventure junkie. Which is why he's now one of those cliche guys with a camera around his neck at all times. When doing neither, you'll find him uber lazy and glued to Netflix. Email: prajith@theandroidsoul.com