HTC One M8 Marshmallow update leaked in screenshots

The leak pipeline just got us a peek into HTC One M8 Marshmallow update, and the Sense 7 UI of HTC that will come atop it. You are looking it as many as around 30 screenshots from the One M8 supposedly running Marshmallow update.

The expected release date of HTC One M8 is January 2016, but it looks like the work is going on quite good, and by luck we could have it sooner.

Anyway, let’s check out them screenshots of Sense 7 on One M8 running Android 6.0 update.

HTC Marshmallow update in Screenshots

HTC Marshmallow Update Screenshots

HTC Android 6.0 Update Screenshots

HTC Android 6.0 Screenshots

HTC Android 6.0 update

HTC One M8 Marshmallow Screenshots

Via @LlabTooFeR

Posted by
Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email:


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