Nuketown ’84 Map in Cold War: Everything You Need to Know

For many FPS gamers growing up in the ranks of Call of Duty games, Nuketown is one map – one place that holds special importance. To say that it’s been a long-standing fan-favorite will still be an understatement. It means a lot to CoD veterans and fans alike and thus when Treyarch teased the return of Nuketown to Black Ops Cold War, it’s no surprise that it broke the internet.

If you’ve seen the trailer, you’d know how much the community was looking forward to such a release. Something that’ll take off their minds from the bugs and glitches they’d been facing while Treyarch hopefully keeps working on them. That said, let’s dive into it and find out all the new deets!

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What’s new in the Nuketown ’84 Map

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - Nuketown

So you’d notice the first change right off the bat – Nuketown ’84. This isn’t just some Dev’s moment of insanity. It’s Treyarch letting us know that they’re going with an ’80s – inspired theme with Nuketown this time for Black Ops Cold War.

This map comes with the all-new ‘Free to Claim’ bundle introduced by Activision. Along with the map, you get around 10 new items that can allow you to customize your character’s appearance and loadout for Nuketown.

  • You get the “Last Stop” epic shotgun blueprint.
  • Six assorted Weapon Charms for you to hang on your guns.
  • A “Test Subjects” sticker which you can apply on almost any gun from the gunsmith in Cold War.
  • Adding to all that, you also get the “Omnibus” calling card plus a “Nuketown Legend” emblem to switch up how your profile looks like while playing Nuketown ’84.

All of this adds up to give us a solid retro-feeling combat and gameplay while running around on the map you’ve basically grown up on playing.

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Easter Eggs on Nuketown ’84 in Cold War

NUKETOWN 84 EASTER EGG IN BLACK OPS COLD WAR! (How to Complete the SECRET Nuketown 84 Easter Eggs)

Easter eggs in Call of Duty doesn’t surprise us anymore, given how liberal the Devs over at Treyarch are with them. However, the Easter Eggs we saw in the new Nuketown ’84 map really blew out our minds. Okay so here’s what we know of them, as of yet.

If you go around shooting the arms and hands of the mannequins on the new Nuketown ’84 map, you’ll trigger the first Easter Egg that is essentially an in-game filter. Check out what it looks like in the image below!

Screengrab via: KARNAGE Clan

Now the second easter egg that’s a bit similar to this one, is even simpler to trigger. This time, you need to just shoot off the heads of the Mannequins and nothing else. This will trigger the second easter egg which is another awesome in-game filter.

Screengrab via: KARNAGE Clan

Honestly, the second easter egg looks even better than the first one, but that’s just our opinion.

Related: How to get Easter Egg in Cold War Zombies Nuketown

So that’s pretty much all we know about Easter Eggs on the new Nuketown ’84 Map that hit Cold War servers on the 24th of November at 10 am PT.

Oh yeah, one more thing – you can get the Nuketown weapon bundle for free if you purchase Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and log in before December 4 arrives. Read more about this on Call of Duty’s official page right here.

Let us know what you think of Treyarch’s new take on Nuketown this patch in the comments below! Also, solve this for us – which easter egg you liked more? The green filter or the blue one?


Screengrab via: KARNAGE Clan