Nokia 6 Oreo beta rollout begins

nokia 6 oreo

Earlier this month, Nokia started rolling out the Oreo beta software for the Nokia 5 and said that the Nokia 6 would be joining the group soon. Well, that time has come, as Nokia 6 has now started to receive the Oreo beta as well.

In a tweet, the Chief Product Officer at HMD Global announced that the Nokia 6 is joining the Nokia beta labs program. If you own a Nokia 6, you may want to join the program and try out the Oreo beta release.

A fair warning though, beta releases are known to have bugs and issues. Only try the beta software if you are up to it, and we’d recommend not to use it on your daily driver.

So far, Nokia has released the Android 8.0 Oreo beta software for the Nokia 5 only. The Nokia 8 received the stable Oreo update last month. Even the Nokia 3 is said to get the update in the next quarter. You can expect a stable Oreo release for the Nokia 5 and Nokia 6 in Q1 2018.

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