Nokia 5 Oreo beta starts rolling out, Nokia 6 to get it soon

nokia 5 oreo update

HMD Global is starting to roll out the Oreo beta for the Nokia 5. If you’re a part of the Nokia phone beta labs program, then you should soon start receiving the beta firmware.

The company stated in late November that the Nokia 5 and even the Nokia 6 would be getting the Oreo beta very soon. And now it has begun, for the Nokia 5 at the moment. HMD Global’s Chief Product Office recently tweeted the same.

He also stated that the Nokia 6 would soon join the beta labs program. For now, if you own a Nokia 5, then you can register for the program and get the Oreo beta update. A stable update for the device should be available in Q1 2018.

Nokia Oreo update release date

The Nokia 8 already received the Oreo update last month, but now there are other devices that are going to get the update soon. HMD has also confirmed that the Nokia 3 will skip the Android 7.1.2 update and will instead get the Oreo update.

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