Nexus 6 Nougat issues and fixes: 4G calls broken!

It’s being reported that the Android 7.0 update is breaking the 4G calls on Nexus 6, which received the Nougat update only today. Nougat issues aren’t new to us, as we know few of them from Nexus 6P and Nexus 5X.

We hope the late release on Nexus 6 allowed Google to fix the issues with WiFi, Bluetooth, Battery drain etc. so that users don’t have to go through the pains some Nexus 6P and 5X users have had to.

Today, Google acknowledged the issue with Nexus 6 Android 7.0 update, NPD90G, where users are unable to place a call when using 4G, to any other 4G/2G device, whether that be a simple voice call, or video call, or one made using the messenger application like WhatsApp, etc.

Also read: Nexus 5X WiFi Fix

Right now, the Android team is working on it, and once there is a fix available, it will be revealed by the team. Until then, NO FIX is available at the moment, but we will be sure to tell you that once it’s available.

The solution could be a tweak in settings, or it may require an update. In the latter case, Google could release it as a quick update considering it’s a calls issues, pertaining the most basic and urgent need with a mobile phone.

Keep watching this space if you have this very problem, and also let us know if you are experiencing this or any other problem with Nougat update on Nexus 6.

Also read: Nougat Bluetooth issues and fixes

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: