New Google Play APK versions 11.7.11 and 11.6.19 available for downloads

Google Play Store Apps

The Google Play Store is a crucial application for anyone using an Android device, but not all devices come preinstalled with this popular app. If not installed out of the box, the only other way to get it is to download the APK version and install it manually, which is also why we keep a database of most Play Store versions Google releases. The latest versions to join this growing database are Google Play Store 11.7.11 and 11.6.19, which are available for download right away.

→ Google Play Store APK downloads

With a significant chunk of the devices flooding the smartphone market having been made in China and for the Chinese market, this should be useful for anyone who wants the latest version in town. Since this version hasn’t hit the official OTA channel, anyone can as well grab the APK file and install it on top of the current version.

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