NetFront Life Browser for Android – It’s Fresh and it’s Cool. It Even Tilts Websites!

If you’re quite fed up of browsing the web on mobile — with every other browser than the stock browser lacking the amusement — you’re in line to become the latest fan of the very recently released NetFront Life Browser for android.

What are we so excited about, you may ask. Well, ask yourself the same ques when you are through digging the NetFront browser and are quite taken with a complete new and fresh browsing experience it offers. Don’t be surprised if all of a sudden, it becomes your fav app if not the fav past time.

Speaking of the features, the NetFront Life Browser packs in some unique items like:-

  • Unified Navigation – Lets you surf through your bookmarks, tabs and all that that resides in your browser in one screen quite effortlessly
  • Single Handed Zoom – If you like using your android phone with one hand, you are very much inclined to love the ability to zoom using only one hand. It works sweet in comparison to two-handed oriented pinch-to-zoom
  • Visual Page Loading – Gets you a thumbnail of the web page you have just opened if the that page takes more than 3 seconds to load – it feels nice to know in advance whether you’ve hit the correct page before discovering the lazy fact after 15 seconds of page load time
  • Tilt Mode – Yes, this one is my favorite. The tilt pages produce a charming impression and it’s where lies the whole freshness of browsing the web a new manner. It’s neither portrait mode nor the landscape, it shapes its view between the above two borrowing help from its optimal readability-lines ratio
  • Scrapbook – Grab the interesting content you find on the web to save it on your mobile using the Scrapbook feature. It supports touch, just circle the content to have it saved to your phone. Pretty awesome, hmm?
  • Checkmarks – The old school page markers are back in their eVersion. Checkmarks do the same job as paper markers did with your book.
  • Filtered Search – Well, as the feature’s name suggests, so does it works. It lets you narrow down the choices of search results, just like that.

    Scan to Download NetFront Life Browser Android App

    Latest Version: 1.0.2744

    Compatibility: Only devices running Android OS version 2.2 and higher (that hurts a bit, why not at least 2.1!)

    To download  the NetFront Life Browser android app, scan the QR Code in the right or click the download link.

    Let us know what you guys feel about the NetFront Life Browser? It may not break the page load speeds of Opera or may not level against the solid and compatible web experience of stock android browser, but it’s about browsing the web in a very new and quite innovative manner, with freshness!

    If the NetFront Life browser took your internet experience to a new level, what about leveling up your games collection. Discover the 17 best android arcade and action games that will blow your time as easy as it can get and the 7 new android games for the month of October 2010.

    As always, we welcome your feedback of our website and it’s quite valuable to us. So, let us know!

    Posted by
    Kapil Malani

    A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: