Dashdow SMS let’s you read/reply to messages from overlay bubbles/popups, but doesn’t annoys

Back in the days, getting SMS messages on a popup screen, with quick reply option was one of my favorite features on Android. The Handcent app enabled it for me. But of course, everything that is a pop-up, and appears unapologetically to your eyes, has to annoy you at some point. But then, Facebook messenger came with this cool new bubbles feature that gets the job done quickly through overlay screens, and is a lot less intrusive than popups.

Developer Stallware has just released an app to get you the same experience for your SMS needs. Dashdow SMS shows bubbles for new messages along with a quick reply function as an overlay on your phone’s screen, it’s floating and works great when having a conversation while multitasking on your phone


Dashdow SMS 2

â–º Dashdow SMS Play link

Features list:

  • SMS notification in bubble
  • Click on bubble opens popup
  • Popup shows messages and offers quick reply function
  • Lockscreen visibility supported
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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: shivam@theandroidsoul.com