LG Transpyre receives Android 5.1.1 update from Verizon

Not a flagship device, but 4.5-inch LG Transpyre (model no. VS810PP) deserved its own Android 5.1.1 update. After all, 1GB should be enough to run latest version of Lollipop. And for a device launched with Android 4.4, this is probably Transpyre’s last update too.

The 5.1.1 update for LG Transpyre comes with software version of VS810PU4, and also brings the security patch to fix the Stagefright bug on the device. That apart, there is some visual change involved too — the on-screen buttons now match the one Google uses, stock icons.

If you own a LG Transpyre, then this is a must get update for you. The Lollipop is one of the best updates to grace Android and its beauty is matchless.

Both LG and Verizon are rolling out the Android 5.1.1 update for Transpyre but if haven’t and don’t get the OTA notification soon, then try to force your way to update. Go to Settings > About device, and then tap on the ‘check for update’ button under system update.

Posted by
Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: kapil@theandroidsoul.com


  1. can confirm transpyre running smooth on lollipop but it takes up 10% more memory than kit kat did…

  2. can confirm transpyre running smooth on lollipop but it takes up 10% more memory than kit kat did…

  3. Awesome! Just installed and works great! I Love the new boot animations too! does seem to be a bit slower when opening games like minecraft, but overall fine.

  4. Awesome! Just installed and works great! I Love the new boot animations too! does seem to be a bit slower when opening games like minecraft, but overall fine.

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