LG sold 20,000 LG G6 units on launch day in Korea

The LG G6 is doing better than the previous G5 smartphone, at least that’s what the sales numbers say so far. According to a report from Korea, LG managed to sell about 20,000 units of the G6 on the first day of sale.

In Korea, the LG G6 went on sale yesterday, unfortunately, customers could only buy the device from stores in the evening. That is because there was presidential sentence on the day. Still, 20,000 units is better than what the LG G5 managed, which was around 15,000 units.

LG had started to take pre-orders for the smartphone early last week and apparently received about 40,000 confirmations. That sounds pretty good as well. As per a LG rep, if the company manages to ship at least 10,000 units of the LG G6 per day, then it would be a huge success.

The report also mentions that customers are really enjoying that new 18:9 display and the sound quality of the Quad-DAC. With the G6, LG changed a lot of things, specially the design, and customers seem to like that. Let’s hope the G6 is a better success than the G5.

via News1

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