The root apps master, JRummy, who literally has all your root needs covered with his numerous root-related apps on the Play store has just released another handy app that basically checks for root, but also provides full information on all things related to root. Plus, it also lists all the root apps installed on your phone along with links to a few sponsored root apps.
The Root Check app provides a brief introduction to Root, security concerns related to it and the benefits of rooting. And most importantly, the app has a glossary for all the root related terms that we come across in the world of Android Rooting. It’s something very useful for users who are new root and related stuff.
The app shows some nice animations to the “root status” and the opening screen when launched. It’s somewhat based on Material Design UI, specially that floating share button on the right. You can customize the app to any color you prefer from the settings. Plus, the app is optimized for both phones and tablets.
[pb-app-box pname=’com.jrummyapps.rootchecker’ name=’Root Check’ theme=’discover’ lang=’en’]