HTC G2 Overclocked To 1.9 Ghz, Quadrant Score of 3004+ Laughs at All Other Scores Ever

HTC TMobile G2 Overclocked 1.9 Ghz quadrant score 3004

Call it a Sunday special, we just discovered a HTC G2 android phone overexposed to the limelight of 1.9 Ghz.

You would recall that the new Qualcomm MSM7230 processor is used in the T-Mobile G2 and that it comes factory clocked at just 800 Mhz. At 1.9 Ghz, the processor has been clocking at 2.375 times of default setting. What dictates the terms better is the Quadrant Score of 2700+ — in fact, 3004 in the pic at the top — which puts all the other scores so far to shame. Correct me here? To fans of linpack, it secured 55-60 MFLOPS per second!

But this dream-come-true Ghz power and the highest of quadrant scores don’t come easy — it gets as hard as it can get. While the kernel is said to be solved of many issues, there is no guarantee that you won’t counter significant issues. And we have already repeated it a thousand times, that all this stuff and the overclocked processors are RISKY.

So, those of you who own the G2 and wanna give it a try, check out the official XDA thread for: procedures, requirements, warnings, etc. There is an option to overclock at 1.8 Ghz too, apart from the Godly 1.9 Ghz.

Via Android Police

Source: XDA Forums

Posted by
Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email:


  1. And my G Tablet (not overclocked) hits 3300. And that doesn’t even use the second core of the Tegra 2. 🙂 Pretty sure we’ll see 4000+ Quadrant scores on Tegra 2 devices at some point.

  2.  Aww, thats cute.  My galay S hits 3500+ all day oc’d to 1.5ghz
    Quad means nothing ya know.

  3. my MT4G at 1.8 Ghz hits 4055. and I might add with no additional hacking. and it’s noteworthy that this is just a single core phone. 🙂

  4. Nexus S w/ CM7 % Trinitty kernel marks 5000+.. Too bad I can’t just download an extra core 😀

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