The virtual world is abuzz with talk of Clubhouse – a new social networking app born in the unpropitious year of 2020. Its distinctive invite system and exclusivity, which could have restricted its growth, has actually made it all the more appealing, like most things in short supply.
On top of that, as it is an audio-only platform, going against the tide of social media apps drowning its users with visual streams, its idiosyncracies have somehow been well received. Also, since Clubhouse is only available on iOS devices (as of now), it is all the more restrictive as to who can join and who can’t.
Now that Clubhouse has gained enough traction to become the next best thing that most people are not a part of (FOMO is real), many are wondering how they can become a part of it. Sure, one can always get an invite from one’s friend(s) who’re already on Clubhouse. But what about the rest of us who’ve signed up and find ourselves way down the waitlist? And how long does one have to wait? Well, here’s all you need to know about it.
What is Clubhouse Waitlist?
There are a couple of ways one can get into Clubhouse – through an invite from someone who’s already got in, or by signing up for the waitlist. But since invites are in short supply, most people resort to the latter.
Basically, it works like this – you sign up for the waitlist and wait for someone to wave you in. It helps to have a friend already on Clubhouse who can do so and save you some time.

It doesn’t consume their invite so you don’t have to holler into the internet void, begging for someone to spend their invites on you.
How much time does Waitlist invite take?
There’s no clear range for how much time one has to wait on average before they’re waved in. Some lucky ones have had to wait no more than a few hours, while others had to wait months to get in. As things can be a little unpredictable and depend on whether any of your friends are existing Clubhouse members, we’d suggest you don’t hold your breath over it.
Do you surely get an invite via Waitlist?
Whether or not you can get into Clubhouse through the Waitlist (even after long periods of waiting) is not a matter only of time alone. One of your friends has to already be a part of Clubhouse for them to know that you’ve signed up for the waitlist. Once you’ve signed up on the waitlist, the Clubhouse algorithm will then identify your contacts that are already inside and send them a notification to waive you in. So, as the circle grows, there is a definite possibility that you will (eventually) become a part of Clubhouse.
Are there better ways to get an invite than Waitlist?
The most obvious way to get into Clubhouse, as we’ve mentioned before, is to get an actual invite from someone who’s already “in”. Most celebrities and famous influencers won’t have to go through much of a struggle to get an invite, but regular folk might have to wait until someone remembers to send them one. But there are a few other ways you can get an invite.
Via Forums
Clubhouse has “rooms” where people that share similar interests can come together and share their insights (or simply listen). This means that if you can connect with them, you might be able to get an invite to their Clubhouse chat rooms.
The best way to do so is to connect with Clubhouse users on other platforms and exchange contacts. If you can befriend enough existing Clubhouse users, you will have a higher chance of getting in when Clubhouse’s algorithm scans your contact list, find people that are already in, and send you an invitation.
There are multiple subreddits with Clubhouse users that may just be kind enough to get you in. Just drop a message in the community thread and say precisely why is it that you want. There are some who may share their invites for free, but a great majority of them will ‘sell’ them.
As there’s a real dearth of invites, a real Clubhouse invite-market has surfaced where people can spend a few bucks to become a part of Clubhouse. Similar listings are also seen on eBay, Craiglist, and buymeacoffee pages, but be wary as some of them are out there only to swindle you off of your money. Make sure you chat with the person who’s selling the invites and only pay if you think they’re authentic.
Many have also started a chain of free invites where one Clubhouse user sends an invite to someone who goes on to invite two more (as every Clubhouse user gets two invites in the beginning), and then two more, ad infinitum.
Via Social Media
Facebook and Instagram are one of the biggest social media platforms and it is very likely that you may come across people who are already on Clubhouse. Using hashtags such as #Clubhouseinvites or #Clubhouse and finding specific Clubhouse groups can speed up the process and get you in touch with Clubhouse users. All you have to do is to request them for an invite and, if they’re willing enough, they may share it with you.
Has anyone got an invite via Waitlist?
Yes, there are many who’ve got an invite via Waitlist. If that were not the case, Clubhouse wouldn’t have had the Waitlist method in place.
Just because it’s taking a long time to get in through the waitlist doesn’t mean that you won’t get in eventually. Make sure that you interact with people who’re already on Clubhouse and exchange contacts with them so that the algorithm can find you quickly.
Why I can’t join Waitlist?
If you’re not able to join the Waitlist, then it means that the waitlist is down for the moment.
You can check back in a couple of weeks and see if it’s up again. Until then, make sure that you get in touch with other Clubhouse members on forums or social media platforms to improve your chances of getting in once you do get to sign up for the waitlist.
Being an audio-only social media app, Clubhouse has seen a surprising jump in popularity with every other iOS user wanting to get in and be a part of the new fad. Just do what’s necessary, be patient, and you will get your invite soon enough.