Galaxy S8+ 128GB sold out in Korea

Looks like people love the Samsung Galaxy S8+ a lot more than the standard Galaxy S8. And it seems everyone loves the 128GB variant. At least that’s the case in Korea.

According to a statement by Samsung, the entire first batch of the Galaxy S8+ 128GB variant has been sold out in Korea. This model also features 6GB of RAM and is only available in Korea and China. The company had 150,000 units of this variant available for pre-order.

Samsung started pre-orders for the Galaxy S8 and S8+ in Korea about 5 days ago. And already, it has managed to sell around 620,000 units of the devices. In the first two days alone, over 550,000 units of the S8 and S8+ were sold.

Those who want the Galaxy S8+ 128GB variant, can still pre-order once new stock is available, but these units would only be delivered towards the end of May. Samsung is giving a free DeX Station dock to all those who pre-order the 128GB variant.

via ZDNet

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1 Comment

  1. If you ask the ordinary person what phone they prefer, most will either say an iPhone or a Samsung Galaxy. The Galaxy brand is one of the highest in its class and it is no wonder that it sold out in Korea. I would be extremely grateful to win one in the constest.

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