Galaxy S3 and iPhone 5 blended together, S3 wins marginally

Amongst all the weird things we’ve seen people do to perfectly fine pieces of hardware, including shooting a brand new Samsung Galaxy S3 with a sub-machine gun, this one really takes the cake. Blendtec, a blender manufacturer, has been dropping gadgets into its products, just to check if they blend!

With face-offs and comparisons all over the web between the two most popular handsets in the world today, Blendtec decided to blend in their own flavour of  a comparison between the two phones, and dropped both into a Blendtec Blender, and turned the blender on!

So who do you think won?  The Samsung Galaxy S3 OR the iPhone 5. Check out this video first:

As you would have seen, the Samsung Galaxy S3 held on for quite a bit longer than the iPhone 5. In fact, the iPhone 5 was completely gutted right at the beginning of the blend cycle, whereas the Galaxy S3 stayed on for a while, till it met the same fate. Amusing as this may be, it’s crazy why people would want to destroy perfectly good pieces of hardware, and that too, of the quality of these two. The only humour I could see was when the Blendtec representative states that the iPhone 5 debris smells like Siri smoke and the Galaxy S3 smelt like Jelly Beans.

Well, the next time you have a Samsung Galaxy S3 in your hand while you are using a blender, at least you know that you do have a couple of extra moments to pull it out before it gets reduced to nothing.

Don’t try this at home! and keep your phones and gadgets far away from blenders!

1 Comment

  1. I have not seen nothing dumber than this EVER!!!

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