Galaxy Note 2 Multi-View feature hacked, Android apps can be added and deleted via a mod right now

Just leave it to the amazing developer community to add new and extended functionality to Android devices, beyond what the manufacturers officially allow. The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 has the cool Multi-View multitasking feature which allows you to use and display two apps on the screen at the same time, but Samsung only enabled a few apps to be used with the multi-view feature, most of them being Samsung’s own pre-loaded apps.

However, XDA Recognized Developer Lennyuk was able to hack the Multi-View function and enable it to run third-party apps from the Play Store as well, and has released a mod for everyone to use. A settings file keeps the name of all apps that are allowed to be used in Multi-View, and by simply editing this file and adding the names of more apps, one can enable any third-party app to be used with Multi-View.

LennyUK has added many third-party apps already, including the Play Store app, Dropbox, Root Explorer, Spotify, Amazon, Google Play Music, Pocket, and quite a few more, and plans to add even more apps in future updates, such as Whatsapp, IM+, Terminal Emulator, etc.

The mod requires you to have ClockworkMod recovery installed (you can find a guide on how to do that → here), using which you can simply flash the mod’s file, which in turn will enable more apps to be used with Multi-View. Head to the source page to download the mod, as well as to see a full list of supported apps.

Don’t forget to try it out and let us know how it works for you!


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